The Kut – ‘Rock Paper Scissors’ [Review]

Artwork- The Kut RPSThe Kut have really won me over with their fresh and epic blend of assorted alt-rock stylings. When they hit their creative and original stride, the Kut look set to do some serious damage to any stuck-in-the-mud traditionalist’s sanity; but on this EP, the harsh truth is that Read more…

Posted on 24 February 2015

Marmozets – ‘The Weird And Wonderful Marmozets’ [Review]

marmozets albumRegular TMMP readers (as well as my family, friends, and any stranger who’s sat next to me on the train for more than five minutes) will probably be sick to death of hearing me rant about how goddamn amazing Marmozets are. Well, I have many a good reason for doing so – and this 13-track slab of genius is another one to add to the list. Read more…

Posted on 24 September 2014

Marmozets / Drones [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 19/8/14]

marmozets boileroomWhen a Saturday night bill is only two bands long, that’s a lot of pressure for the musicians involved. Many acts would crumble like month-old birthday cake at the thought of it. These guys were more than up for the challenge: Read more…

Posted on 22 August 2014

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