Marmozets – ‘The Weird And Wonderful Marmozets’ [Review]

marmozets albumRegular TMMP readers (as well as my family, friends, and any stranger who’s sat next to me on the train for more than five minutes) will probably be sick to death of hearing me rant about how goddamn amazing Marmozets are. Well, I have many a good reason for doing so – and this 13-track slab of genius is another one to add to the list. Read more…

Posted on 24 September 2014

Marmozets – ‘Born Young And Free’ [Review]

marmozets born young and freeAs someone who’s already interviewed Marmozets, preordered their debut album (previewable here), seen them kick seven shades out of a wildly ecstatic live audience at Guildford’s own Boileroom, and ranted and raved personally to anyone who’ll listen about how goddamn awesome this math-happy quintet is and how far they’re set to go in the months and years to come, I see no reason to take an understated and polite path when it comes to Born Young And Free. Read more…

Posted on 04 September 2014

Opeth – ‘Pale Communion’ [Review]

opeth pale communionAs an atheist, I don’t believe in hell – but if I were to wind up in said fiery pit, at least there would be good music there. Pale Communion is a perfect example, more than enough to take your mind off the threat of lava enemas Read more…

Posted on 26 August 2014

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