Marmozets – ‘The Weird And Wonderful Marmozets’ [Review]

marmozets albumRegular TMMP readers (as well as my family, friends, and any stranger who’s sat next to me on the train for more than five minutes) will probably be sick to death of hearing me rant about how goddamn amazing Marmozets are. Well, I have many a good reason for doing so – and this 13-track slab of genius is another one to add to the list. Read more…

Posted on 24 September 2014

Submotion Orchestra – ‘2L84U’ [Review]

submotion orchestraFor those of you who can’t wait for that Levin Brothers album, and are left craving something full and substantial to chill out to, this is the track you need. Read more…

Posted on 16 August 2014

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