Stiff Bizkit / Spotlight Cannibal / Darko / Flesh Trench [Live Review – The Star, Guildford, 14/3/15]

stiff bizkit starI normally hate tribute acts. I’ve seen a fair few in my time, and they never fail to bring out a borderline-allergic reaction in me. After witnessing a Rage Against The Machine tribute whose guitarist looked like Alastair Campbell, I secretly swore that Read more…

Posted on 15 March 2015

Portico (ft. Jono McCleery) / Sea Stacks / Matt Emery [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 13/3/15]

portico press shotThis past Friday night, Guildford’s residents were offered a prime opportunity to catch three fascinating acts in the act of creating incredible music. It’s rare to experience a gig crammed this full of uncategorizable music – but then, the Boileroom isn’t your average venue. Kudos first has to go to the booking brains behind this show; that kind of talent isn’t Read more…

Posted on 14 March 2015

Live Review: Cavalier / Bridges / Red House Glory [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 25/2/2015]

Although I enjoyed Red House Glory‘s Foo Fighters-esque radio-friendly rock songs and decent vocal harmonies, and Bridges deserve recognition for their frontman’s emotive vocals and their unorthodox harmony guitars, I have a few things to get off my chest not only about Cavalier, but bands who come from a music-school background in general.

First off, I should say that I come from that background too – I did four years at ACM, and although when I put it that way it sounds like a prison sentence, it really Read more…

Posted on 01 March 2015

Max Raptor / Yearbook / Swim Good / Let’s Talk Daggers / Sutek [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 24/2/2015]

max raptor boileroomTuesday was a good day until I got to this show and realised it had started earlier than predicted, and I’d missed not only openers Sutek, but also one of my favourite new bands of math-metal maniacs, Let’s Talk Daggers. Sad face indeed. Still, Swim Good soothed my cravings for complex tunes with a loose but still awesome set. These guys can do no wrong, even when beset by technical issues. They really are that goddamn good. Happy face: restored for the rest of the night.

Yearbook (think a pop-punk Reuben augmented by the occasional bit of fancy guitar work) never fail to Read more…

Posted on 26 February 2015

Tigercub / Kagoule / The Tens [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 23/2/2015]

tigercubAlthough The Tens do possess plenty of heart, balls, and swagger, they’re currently still at the stage where their instruments own them, rather than the other way around. With more practice (as in “Spending more time beating the living crap out of their instruments” rather than “Studiously woodshedding a path to NoSoulVille”), the Tens will eventually become serious hard-rocking badasses. For now, though, they still need more time to develop.

Kagoule started off sounding like Placebo’s musical test-tube baby (a really cool move) before Read more…

Posted on 25 February 2015

Romani Beau [Interview]

Screen shot 2015-01-21 at 18.44.57Romani Beau’s upcoming EP Molly and the Boys has been a long time coming, but it will be worth the wait for fans of lilting, breezy folk. Although Romani is currently living an underground existence, to say that he has the potential to break out of obscurity is a real understatement. This guy is the Surrey folk scene’s best-kept secret – but only for now. With great songs, a hugely talented team backing him up, warmth and charisma seeping from every pore, and a hilariously self-deprecating sense of humour, Romani shows all the signs of a star in the making.

TMMP caught up with the man himself to chat about the past, present, and future, memories and happiness and more… Read more…

Posted on 22 February 2015

Following Foxes – ‘Following Foxes EP’ [Review]

following foxes ep coverClean, pristine, and polished so much it shines, Following Foxes’ debut EP is a prime cut of pro-grade acoustic-driven folk rock. Although the airtight production does eat into the earthy and organic vibes common to most releases in their chosen genre, Following Foxes’ songs are Read more…

Posted on 02 February 2015

You Me At Six / Glass City Vice / Twin Wild [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 30/1/15]

boileroom you me at sixSome experiences come along just once in a lifetime – and the capacity crowd jammed sardine-like into the Boileroom were keenly aware of that fact. The tickets held by the lucky three hundred had been coveted by thousands of others, with five figures’ worth of rabid rock fans flooding ticket sites and ensuring Read more…

Posted on 31 January 2015

Mindfulness Of Sound Meditation Workshop [Event Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 26/1/15]

andrew ford boileroomNobody likes Mondays. Badly managed train companies, rude customers, horrible booses – all of the above and more can join together in making us feel like the world is against us. Come the evening, a reprieve is badly needed.

Guildfordian musician Andrew Ford (aka Inner Pieces) has hit on an awesome way to retreat from Read more…

Posted on 28 January 2015

Hannah Lou Clark [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 24/1/15]

hannah lou clarkQuatre Femmes Records have great taste – and Hannah Lou Clark‘s Boileroom set offered irrefutable evidence of that fact. Whether performing in a stripped-down setting with an electric guitar and backing vocalists or backed up by a full band, Hannah Lou Clark’s attitude, songwriting skills, and nuanced vocal shone through in Read more…

Posted on 27 January 2015

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