Max Raptor / Yearbook / Swim Good / Let’s Talk Daggers / Sutek [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 24/2/2015]

max raptor boileroomTuesday was a good day until I got to this show and realised it had started earlier than predicted, and I’d missed not only openers Sutek, but also one of my favourite new bands of math-metal maniacs, Let’s Talk Daggers. Sad face indeed. Still, Swim Good soothed my cravings for complex tunes with a loose but still awesome set. These guys can do no wrong, even when beset by technical issues. They really are that goddamn good. Happy face: restored for the rest of the night.

Yearbook (think a pop-punk Reuben augmented by the occasional bit of fancy guitar work) never fail to Read more…

Posted on 26 February 2015

Djevara – ‘VIVA! / PUNK IS NOT A SOUND’ [Review]

djevara vivaSome bands spend their entire careers stuck in the shadows of others. Female-fronted rock bands are constantly compared to Paramore; prog-metal acts are weighed up against Dream Theater and Periphery; and political rock bands get pinned with the “RATM Clone” tag as soon as they hit a proper groove.

Third-group members Djevara have done more than most to Read more…

Posted on 04 February 2015

Jamie Lenman [Interview]

jamie lenman press shot

UPDATE: TMMP has been reborn! This video has the full story:

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Of all the shows I caught during Independent Venue Week, Jamie Lenman’s Saturday night acoustic set at the Boileroom in Guildford most effectively captured the community spirit celebrated by IVW. Intimate, emotional, and packed with Lenman fans old and new, it was a genuine experience made truly special by Read more…

Posted on 03 February 2015

Jamie Lenman / Lindsay West / Lee Martin [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 31/1/15]

jamie lenman press shotAfter the previous evening’s You Me At Six-centric pop-rock extravaganza, Guildford was in need of something a little more low-key this past Saturday night. Fortunately the Boileroom’s booking team had it covered, offering acoustic vibes from two underground talents and one certain legend; a perfect contrast to the full-on mainstream rock angle taken just 24 hours before.

Lee Martin got things off to a quirky and passionate start with Read more…

Posted on 02 February 2015

I, The Lion – ‘Run’ [Review]

i the lion runSharp, snappy, and serious, Cheltenham-based post-hardcore up-and-comers I, The Lion really nail things down on Run. Fat riffs, some cheeky Whammy pedal squeals, gritty guitar tones, gut-busting drums, wicked tapping sections – all of the above and more can be found just in first track Hold Strong! Fans of Biffy Clyro, Reuben, Arcane Roots and Read more…

Posted on 23 January 2015

Princess Slayer / Jamie Lenman / Natalie Ross / CeCe [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 31/1/14]

independent venue weekThe last couple of months have been a little quiet on the live review front – but this show marked the ideal moment to get back into the swing of things. As the Boileroom’s contribution to Independent Venue Week, it was guaranteed to be a stunner before the doors even opened; and it really goes without saying that the night was incredible, from start to finish. Read more…

Posted on 03 February 2014

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