Gavin Harrison – ‘Cheating The Polygraph’ [Review]

gavin harrison cheating the polygraphProg is, at times, a strangely divided world. On one side are the true progressives, fiercely determined to push music forward into the future. On the other side stand the stuck-in-the-mud individuals whose primary objective is to cling tenaciously to the ways of the past.

Cheating the Polygraph is guaranteed to ruffle the latter camp’s feathers. A collection of Porcupine Tree songs reworked using Read more…

Posted on 05 March 2015

Plini – ‘The End Of Everything’ [Review]

plini the end of everything

UPDATE: TMMP has been reborn! This video has the full story:

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Instrumental guitar EPs shouldn’t sound like this. They should be awful, self-indulgent shitfests full of pointless musical masturbation. They definitely should not be beautiful, glorious, or epic.

On The End of Everything, Plini has done everything wrong.

Take the drums, for instance. They should be Read more…

Posted on 04 March 2015

Dani Rosenoer – ‘Basement Jams 2 EP’ [Review]

dani rosenoer basement jamsAs we saw last December, Dani Rosenoer thinks differently. So, for this review, so will I. I’m going to attempt to sum up each track on Basement Jams 2 in a single sentence. Let’s see how it goes… Read more…

Posted on 01 May 2014

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