Mindfulness Of Sound Meditation Workshop [Event Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 23/7/14]

andrew ford boileroomWhen one of your local area’s most versatile musicians comes to play at the scene’s number one venue, only a madman would turn that ticket down.

Andrew Ford is able to turn his hand to seemingly any musical situation, whether it be live drum ‘n’ bass, gypsy jazz, or meditative soundtracks. He’s also a brilliant teacher. For this event, Andrew taught an hour-long class on mindfulness of sound. Read more…

Posted on 25 July 2014

Andrew Ford (Inner Pieces / Lunatrix) [Interview]

andrew ford boileroomAndrew Ford is a man of many talents. He’s a multi-instrumentalist able to turn his hand to almost any musical situation imaginable; a meditation and mindfulness expert; and a fantastic teacher who keeps on giving and giving. His latest musical project, Inner Pieces, also inspired the very first short fictional piece to be featured here on TMMP.

I got in touch with Andrew to discuss meditation, happiness, the past, present, and future, and many more topics besides. Let’s get stuck in: Read more…

Posted on 18 July 2014

Mindfulness Of Sound Meditation Workshop [Event Review – Red Hot Yoga, Guildford, 4/7/14]

red hot yogaThis article is a real TMMP first. I’ve experienced all kinds of live music events, from punk festivals to acoustic nights, EDM shows, circle-pit-packed metal gigs, and even operas starring Japanese pop stars who don’t exist – but still, this experience was new to me. The world of music is mind-bogglingly vast; you could never hope to comprehend it in its totality, and it is crammed with all manner of treasures, large and small.

This workshop was small, humble, and unassuming – at least, it would seem so to anyone walking past and peeking through the door. But huge things can happen when you sit down and take on a formal meditation routine. This workshop – led by mindfulness teacher and professional musician Andrew Ford of Inner Pieces fame – was based around mindfulness of sound. Read more…

Posted on 07 July 2014

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