The Zen Hussies – ‘Troubled Feet’ [Review]

From the likes of Lunatrix to Caravan Palace’s Parisian electro-swing and Falsense’s poky gypsy-prog intricacy, gypsy jazz has become a real infatuation here at TMMP. My earliest jazz manouche memory is of Mattias IA Eklundh’s cover of Django Reinhardt’s Minor Swing – and my most recent obsession is this album: Troubled Feet, as performed by Bristol’s very own Zen Hussies. Read more…

Posted on 22 January 2014

Caravan Palace – ‘Panic’ [Review]


When you come across an album whose cover depicts a robot clinging to the Eiffel Tower like a French King Kong and swatting at flying saucers as they lay waste to Paris, you can be sure of one of two things. Either the music behind the art is going to be incredible, or it’s going to suck harder than anything you’ve heard before. Read more…

Posted on 02 January 2014

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