Buffo’s Wake – ‘Carniphobia’ [Review]

buffo's wake carniphobiaOpening like a bouncier version of Rodrigo Y Gabriela’s Re-Foc album and strutting confidently through ten tracks of cool and elegant gypsy punk, Carniphobia is party music par excellence. Put down that Ibiza compilation CD and step away from the ‘Urban/RnB’ section of your local record shop – Buffo’s Wake have all you need to get happy, horny, and everything in between. Fans of the Cat Empire, Caravan Palace, Lunatrix and the Zen Hussies will love Carniphobia – but even those unaccustomed to sexy music that’s not performed by machines are sure to find themselves seduced. Read more…

Posted on 14 September 2014

Caravan Palace – ‘Panic’ [Review]


When you come across an album whose cover depicts a robot clinging to the Eiffel Tower like a French King Kong and swatting at flying saucers as they lay waste to Paris, you can be sure of one of two things. Either the music behind the art is going to be incredible, or it’s going to suck harder than anything you’ve heard before. Read more…

Posted on 02 January 2014

6 Steps To Happiness (Or, How To Deal With The Music You Hate)


You know that feeling. Perhaps it arrived the first time you heard Rebecca Black, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, or Hot Problems by Double Take. Whenever it came to you, you can remember exactly what it was like. First, you probably felt amused. Then irritated. Then angry. Then homicidal. Maybe all of the above simultaneously. And you almost certainly felt the overwhelming desire to cut off your ears and stick your head in some unset cement.

Regardless of the exact symptoms, you definitely know that you’re not alone in suffering this way. The number of YouTube comments, Facebook status updates, mainstream news pieces and online blog posts about the above musical phenomena (and many more besides) is staggering. Consider the following Google search figures: Read more…

Posted on 01 January 2014

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