Jamiroquai – ‘Automaton’ (Full Album Review)

Jamiroquai, Automaton, Full Album, Review, Album Review, Cloud 9, Jay Kay, Rob Harris, Paul Turner, Shake It On, Superfresh, Something About You, Summer Girl, Nights Out In The Jungle, Dr Buzz, We Can Do It, Vitamin, Carla, Virtual Insanity, New Album 2017, Jamiroquai 2016, Emergency On Planet Earth, Return Of the Space Cowboy, Synkronized, Traveling Without Moving, A Funk Odyssey, Dynamite, Rock Dust Light Star Interview Guitar Guitarist Vocalist Vocals Drummer Drums Bass Bassist Feature New Album EP Single Review CD Concert Gig Tickets Tour Download Stream Live Show Torrent Music Musician Record Label thes Update Facebook YouTube channel Twitter VEVO Spotify iTunes Apple Music Instagram Snapchat Band Logo Cover Art Bandcamp Soundcloud Release Date Digital Cover Art Artwork Split Why Did Break Up New Final Last Latest News Update merch shop buy rar release date songs track listing preview lyrics mp3 Wikipedia wiki bio biography discography gear tuning rig setup equipment 320 kbps official website poster kerrang rock sound q mojo team rock metal hammer NME t shirt hoodie hoody cap hat tab video vinyl wallpaper zip

Right now, you’re looking at a screen, and I’m writing these words on a computer – but we’re both being connected by technology. Jamiroquai’s new album Automaton is all about human connection in a digital world.

Jamiroquai have always been my go-to happy band. If I’m feeling crap, I just put them on – and within ten seconds or so, things are better. Shake It On is the kind of song where, if you’re listening to it while walking down the street, you’ll end up walking like a badass. There are so many layers to it, from pounding piano to immense clavs, sublime strings, Rob Harris’s super-tight guitar, and the Rhythm Section Of Doom Read more…

Posted on 29 March 2017

Princess Slayer – ‘Every Deja Vu’ [Review]

Princess Slayer Every Deja Vu Casey Lim Vince Welch Living EP Jesse Bullitt White Panther Loome Surrey Guildford Glastonbury Snake Skin God Said Passion Alley Interview Guitar Guitarist Vocalist Vocals Drummer Drums Bass Bassist Feature Album EP Single Review CD Concert Gig Tickets Tour Download Stream Live Show Torrent Music Musician Record Label News Update Facebook YouTube Twitter VEVO Spotify iTunes Apple Music Band Logo Cover Art Bandcamp Soundcloud Release Date Digital Cover Art Artwork Split Why Did Break Up New Final Last Latest News Update

UPDATE: TMMP has been reborn! This video has the full story:

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Back in TMMP’s distant past, I never made a secret of my love for Princess Slayer’s music. From the night they first emerged onto the UK’s music scene, vocalist Casey Lim and drummer/producer Vince Welch obviously had what it takes to take them as far as they desire to go. Princess Slayer’s Living EP was golden, and they’ve become Glastonbury regulars in recent times as well as navigating live lineup changes that can and do cripple so many up and coming acts Read more…

Posted on 12 October 2016

Princess Slayer – ‘Living (Single EP)’ [Review]

Princess Slayer - Living

Great musicians have a voice of their own. You can tell within a few seconds that it’s them. Princess Slayer have this gift.

The title track taken from Princess Slayer’s recent Living EP gets a full EP treatment of its own this time around. One cool radio edit gets followed up by an absolutely immense extended mix that harks back to the early days of a duo who were one of TMMP’s earliest discoveries, and remain firm favourites. Absolute Read more…

Posted on 24 November 2015

DNKL – ‘Otherside’ [Review]


Strutting urbanized beats. Smoothly flowing synth melodies. Spacious and epic vibes. Sparsely and perfectly placed vocals. Music tailor-made for long city walks, laser-lit clubs, and bouncing beach parties on idyllic islands.

Sound like your thing?

Then Read more…

Posted on 15 September 2015

Why You Should F***ing Love Beardyman


UPDATE: TMMP has been reborn! This video has the full story:

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Some musicians are impossible to forget. They leave an indelible imprint on your memory, permanently branding their art on your brain. For TMMP, Beardyman is that kind of artist – and here are a few reasons why you, the open-minded, intelligent, and no doubt deeply attractive regular reader and boundary-free music fan, are more than a little likely to feel the same way:

He’s more than just a beatboxer.

Beardyman was the first beatboxer to win the UK Beatbox Championships two years in a row, and spent the time between the 2006 and 2007 championships honing his skills to the point of Jedidom. He was also the guy behind the Kitchen Diaries YouTube video, through which Beardyman has taken over five million viewers step by step through the birth of a sick break:

But Beardyman is no one-trick pony. While a quick stroll around central London will quickly yield a bunch of Read more…

Posted on 24 August 2015

Princess Slayer – ‘Living’ [Review]

Princess Slayer

This release has been a long time coming – and it’s certainly worth the wait. This is the fattest, slickest Princess Slayer release so far, full of spicy grooves, dirty synths, and finely honed, thoroughly gig-tested songs.

From opening single Passion Alley to Fame‘s quirky riffs via the Read more…

Posted on 12 April 2015

Princess Slayer / Oh So Quiet / Lily Oakes [Live Review – The Stillery, Camden, 8/4/2015]

Princess Slayer

I love Camden’s diversity. Step out of Camden Town tube station and you’re a minute away from the Jazz Cafe, punk and hardcore institution the Underworld, and the Stillery – an intimate hole in the wall torn apart last week by Mancunian post-hardcore up and comers, the Hyena Kill. This time around, the Stillery hosted a set of very different musicians.

Lily Oakes is an interesting one. A series of trip-hop-oriented tracks performed in the most Read more…

Posted on 10 April 2015

Princess Slayer [Interview]

princess slayer ep launch showI’ve never made a secret of my love for Princess Slayer’s music. Watching this Guildfordian EDM duo evolve since their emergence onto the UK’s music scene has been a fun and gratifying experience – and very soon, their new EP Living will be ready to make a permanent home in your ear canals. TMMP caught up with vocalist Casey Lim and drummer Vince Welch to talk Living, live music, and happiness…

Your new EP Living is coming out soon. How’re you feeling about that fast-approaching release date?

Excited! A lot of hard work has gone into the creation of this EP. It starts with us writing the songs but we wouldn’t be able to share our work with anyone without the help of our team. So, we feel a lot of gratitude and pride.

Is there an underlying theme behind Living?

Yes. The songs are about different stages and aspects of life and how we experience it as individuals. In a nutshell, Living is about Read more…

Posted on 30 March 2015

Princess Slayer – ‘Snake Skin’ [Review]

princess slayer passion alleyThe musical equivalent of a convertible sports car, Snake Skin is compact, sleek, aerodynamic, and pleasing to the senses. It’s also the latest track from fast-rising EDM duo Princess Slayer, who happen to be Read more…

Posted on 20 March 2015

Princess Slayer – ‘Passion Alley’ [Re-Review]

princess slayer passion alleyLast week, I expressed a few reservations about this track. As predicted, they’re all gone now. Passion Alley is officially cemented in my mind as a Read more…

Posted on 10 March 2015

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