Black Peaks [Interview]

black peaks glass built castles

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As one of the UK rock scene’s most hotly-hyped bands of right now, Black Peaks are a band you’ve probably at least heard of, and definitely need to hear. Talked up with huge enthusiasm by Jamie Lenman during a recent TMMP interview, behind the praise and acclaim Black Peaks are more than a mere “hype band”. On record and onstage, Black Peaks have mastered their instruments and forged an idiosyncratic and unmistakable style which sets them apart from peers and legends alike.

Of course, the only way to prove this beyond reasonable doubt is to tell you to check out Black Peaks’ latest track Glass Built Castles, and go check them out live. Witnessing a live performance is (to quote a Rollins Band live album title) the only way to know for sure – and those attending Southampton’s own Takedown Festival this Saturday will find themselves in the best possible position to get that knowledge branded into their brains for a long time to come. TMMP caught up with Black Peaks drummer and all-round nice guy Liam Kearley for a quick pre-festival chat…

You’re set to play Takedown Festival in Southampton this weekend. How’re you feeling about it?

Very excited! It’s our first show of the year! Also first in 4 months since we played with the incredible Jamie Lenman, so we’re very eager to get back to it!

What’s your favourite thing about playing live?

Playing music with my best friends, and really enjoying the different reactions from all the new places we play!

What’s the most insane thing that’s ever happened during a Black Peaks set?

Will dislocated his shoulder half way through a set once…

Do you have any special plans for your stage show at Takedown?

Umm…Wills gonna self-dislocate both shoulders? Haha! No. Just get on and do our thing – that’s all.

Performing live can be an intense experience. Do you get stage fright or nerves? If so, how do you get past that?

I personally still get nervous playing hometown shows compared to elsewhere. Brighton is such a hub of musical talent, and the majority of our friends/fans here are in some great bands which is always daunting. But we just try to have as much fun as possible – that’s the best remedy for us.

Beyond Takedown, what are your plans for the rest of 2015?

2015 is going to be a lot of fun. We have some awesome festivals already announced, some which are not…and some incredible shows we can’t say too much about right now. Then get the album out by the end of the year. We just want to be as busy as possible touring whenever and wherever we can!

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See you in the next video!

Posted on 05 March 2015

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