New Street Adventure / The Tapestry / Birdsworth [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 17/10/14]

new street adventureAs a born and bred Rock Guy, I’ll admit to feeling a tad dubious about this show. After all, mod culture is historically defined in opposition to more or less everything I stand for – but still, this evening proved to be worth the trip. Woking-based gravy bass purveyors Birdsworth got things off to a fitting start with gritty tunes that wouldn’t be out of place in a British gangster flick; The Tapestry‘s quirky rock’n’roll took things up a level with offbeat melodicism and sharp-edged riffs; and New Street Adventure blew me away with expensive-sounding chords, powerful soul songs, and a virtuosic showing from lead guitarist Billy Farr.

Although this was billed as a mod gig, there remained plenty for the open-minded fan of alternative music in general to appreciate. Fair play to promoters ModernisM too – they know how to put on a show.


New Street Adventure official website.

The Tapestry on Facebook and Twitter.

Birdsworth official website.

ModernisM on Facebook and Twitter.

The Boileroom official website.

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Posted on 20 October 2014

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