Signals – ‘Sleep Talk’ [Review]
TMMP readers know all too well how much we love Signals. I’ve raved over their Facial Furniture EP (a release that set me off on a fiction-writing spree now slowly giving way to a debut novel), told readers to watch them this year, practically ordered the recorded music industry to get involved with Signals ASAP, and contributed to the Kickstarter campaign that led to the creation of this track and its official video.
I’m not even remotely surprised that this tune and the accompanying visual extravaganza surpassed my expectations. No doubt, behind the scenes Signals must be working themselves to death – but on record and video the overall effect is one of grace, effortlessness, and consummate mastery. Sleep Talk is, quite frankly, a stunning tune that proves catchy songs don’t always have to conform to a rigid, immutable, and done-to-death formula in order to get the job done. Signals wave the math-rock flag with pride while inviting the wider world to wear its colours too – and their approach is clearly paying off.
Just as the Facial Furniture EP was one of my highlights of 2013, Sleep Talk is definitely a highlight of 2014. I know it’s only June, but I’ll say this clearly anyway: Sleep Talk is one of the best songs of 2014.
The only question at this point is: How many people are going to hear it? Well, TMMP is doing its bit – and it looks like Signals may well need to be struck off our A&R Watch List, as Saint November Records (home to releases by Imogen Heap and Kids In Glass Houses) are getting involved and helping push Signals further into the public consciousness. It’s really exciting and gratifying to see a favourite band get the recognition and support they deserve – and long may this continue!
Check out the video for Sleep Talk below, and prepare to get lost in an ocean of math-pop-enabled bliss.
Links / Video
Signals on Facebook and Twitter.
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