Takedown Festival 2015 [Festival Review]

TD-23-01-15-ANNOUNCEMENTbThe first thing that needs to be said is this: Takedown Festival 2015 was really well-run. Organising an event that takes in over 40 bands across five stages, runs to schedule, and delivers a smooth, hassle-free and fun experience for punters is a serious ask – but the Takedown crew rose to the challenge and did an awesome job. Even the security were nice guys. Or maybe paid actors.

The second thing that needs to be said? Fuck Read more…

Posted on 11 March 2015

Takedown Festival 2015 [Festival Preview]

TD-23-01-15-ANNOUNCEMENTbPlanning a quiet night in this Saturday? Considering lighting some scented candles, taking a bubble bath, and listening to some light jazz?

The hell you are!

If you’re a serious UK rock fan, you’re doing one of two things this weekend. You’re either heading to Southampton for Takedown Festival and getting sweaty in the pit for an immense lineup of epic bands, or Read more…

Posted on 04 March 2015

Black Futures / Seething Akira / Biometrix [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 25/9/14]

Black-Futures-live 1It’s weird to think this gig would never have happened had the Boileroom’s licence been suspended – but the former did happen, because the latter wasn’t. The peacefully dubstep-loving crowds were out in droves last night to check out: Read more…

Posted on 26 September 2014

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