Cultural Other – ‘Can’t Explain The Tide’ [Review]

Screen shot 2014-09-29 at 19.08.31The first time I heard the intro to Can’t Explain The Tide, I definitely didn’t realise that it was a live recording. However, things quickly became clearer with the arrival of second track P.I.P (Persuasion Is Power) and what I initially felt was an awkward shift in production style. Read more…

Posted on 30 September 2014

Fox And The Law / The Greasy Slicks / Cultural Other / A R T E L S [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 20/9/14]

fox and the law greasy slicks boileroomLast night was a reset-hitting moment for a venue whose continued survival was confirmed just over 24 hours previously. Vintage swing music played in the background while earlycomers gathered around a table laden with instruments, effect boxes, microphones, an iPad, and even fairy lights to await the arrival of first act, A R T E L S. Read more…

Posted on 21 September 2014

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