Anika Nilles – ‘Chary Life’ [Review]

anika nillesSince I reviewed Marco Minnemann’s latest album EEPS, I’ve become more and more intrigued by the world of drumming and rhythm. Lush harmonies, hooky melodies, and touching lyricism are all great things – but a great groove makes you want to move, and gets your body as well as your mind engaged. Traditional songwriting usually appeals to the intellect, but it’s rhythm that really connects with the heart – aka the body’s rhythmic centre. Read more…

Posted on 17 August 2014

RedTower [Live Review – ACM, Guildford, 7/8/14]

Screen shot 2014-08-08 at 11.07.04Here’s how to spot a professional band:

1) They throw themselves into their performance from note one, needing next to no time to get into it.

2) They make you want to move the moment they start playing. Your body tells you that you’re in the presence of greatness before your brain does.

3) Their playing is airtight, every instrument blending together flawlessly – and what’s more, it all looks effortless.

4) Their songs are performed with such passion and intensity that you cannot look away.

5) They actively communicate with each other onstage. Nobody is shut away in their own little bubble.

6) The band in question put in the effort regardless of audience size, venue, or time of day.

Even if I’d never heard of RedTower, Natassja Saliba, Rob Chapman, Rabea Massaad, Ben Minal, or Dave Hollingworth (the latter of whom were taking a break from recording Dorje’s debut album to session here), I’d have been in no doubt as to their calibre from the moment this low-key late afternoon showcase started. Read more…

Posted on 08 August 2014

Ben Minal (Crowdfunding Expert, Serial Entrepreneur, And Drummer From Dorje) [Interview]

ben minal

UPDATE: TMMP has been reborn! This video has the full story:

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Over the past few years, crowdfunding has become one of the music industry’s most talked about topics. Adopted by acts as diverse as art-pop legend Amanda Palmer and Canadian tech-metallers Protest The Hero, crowdfunding has made headlines worldwide and opened many eyes to the power of direct-to-fan business models.

Ben Minal created one of the top Indiegogo campaigns of 2012 before he had even finished university. Beating a target of $7,500 nearly three times over, Ben was able to send his band Dorje (fronted by YouTube guitar star Rob Chapman and completed by guitarist Rabea Massaad and bassist Dave Hollingworth) on a two-week UK tour alongside The Drills, themselves fronted by regular Bon Jovi sideman and session legend Phil X. TMMP sat down with Ben Minal to talk about Dorje, crowdfunding, the future of the music business, his current projects and passions, and how a man ordering a pizza changed the course of four careers. Read more…

Posted on 11 June 2014

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